Sunday, April 25, 2010

CALL Business


Yesterday Taqwa and I chatted with Miss Shahidah... I am very ashamed to admit I don't know the correct spelling of her name but I will learn inshAllah.

The wonderful teacher very clearly explained to us what she will be covering in her Writing, Listening and Reading classes in the coming weeks. She said she wanted something full of action and something that will grab and really engage the student's attention....

Myself and Taqwa are looking into the appropriate websites now and will email Miss Shaheedah during this week.

That's all ^_^!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Numba One

Hi CALLers!

First post!

Isn't this cool? Right now we're all freezing in class and this is my first Blogger blog!! Woohoo!!

:) I'm eating a hotdog! I hope I don't get food poisoning!

ok bye CALLers!!!